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OnFulfillment Blog | Customer Success

Educate, Inform, Equip: OnFulfillment’s New Resources Web Page

When we meet potential new customers for the first time, the initial discussion is invariably dedicated to information gathering. They heard about us, requested a meeting, and want to know what we do, how we do it, and—ultimately—how we can help them solve a pressing or immediate business problem.

We wouldn’t have it any other way. We love sharing our expertise with prospects and customers alike. We enjoy meeting new people and hearing about the challenges they are facing with respect to their marketing fulfillment or event management obligations. And most of all, we welcome the opportunity to present them with solutions that help them achieve their goals.

That’s why we’ll never turn down a serious request. But we also know that not every prospective customer is enthusiastic about filling out a form and scheduling a blind meeting. We’ve often wondered if there wasn’t a better way to help prospects get up to speed about what we do so they can educate themselves prior to an initial consultation. A way for them to learn about our software, our services, and our innovative approach so they can arm themselves with information and come prepared with pertinent and relevant questions. Or perhaps a way to determine whether OnFulfillment is even a good fit for their needs before they submit a meeting request.

Topics: Promotional Swag Customer Success Company Store

After 25 Years, Commitment to the Customer is Still Paramount at OnFulfillment

Earlier this month, we had an extremely busy week at OnFulfillment that got me thinking about the old days and how far we’ve come as a marketing fulfillment company.

One of our largest customers—a global technology company that designs, develops, and supplies a wide range of semiconductor and infrastructure software solutions—had recently acquired a well-known cloud computing and virtualization company.

As part of the acquisition, we were asked to assemble some “welcome aboard” kits—more than 18,000 packages consisting of gifts featuring the acquiring company’s brand and accompanied by a personal message from the CEO. These kits were to be delivered to facilities around the world, primarily in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Kit Assembly Customer Success

OnFulfillment’s Recipe for Success: Listen Rather Than Talk

Nine months into the current year, we’re proud to say that OnFulfillment is on pace to sign a near record number of new customers for a 12-month period.

While admittedly a lot of the credit goes to pent-up demand for the comprehensive marketing and event fulfillment services we provide, we like to think that our approach to onboarding new customers is a significant contributing factor.

What sets us apart from the competition? The fact that we treat our initial meetings with prospects as an interview rather than a sales pitch. Since our inception more than 20 years ago, our goal when meeting with a potential new customer has always been to first understand what they need and then find a solution that is mutually beneficial to both parties. We endeavor to treat the client-vendor relationship as more of a partnership by offering the right level of support without overselling our services. This approach leads to a greater level of trust and confidence on the part of the customer, and for us, it’s been very effective.

Topics: Customer Success Onboarding Marketing Fulfillment

Customer Onboarding is Serious Business at OnFulfillment

When OnFulfillment welcomes a new client, they don’t just hand them the keys to the site and wish them luck. Actually, it’s just the beginning of a much more involved process designed to help the customer extract maximum value out of the new partnership and help their business thrive.

Topics: Customer Success Onboarding Marketing Fulfillment

How a Global Software Company Slashed Costs and Saved Man-Hours

Operating on a global scale is no easy feat. From a logistical standpoint alone, the challenge of serving customers, employees and partners on a multinational scale can be an incredibly complex and costly endeavor. Such was the case with one of our customers - a rapidly-growing enterprise software company specializing in data science and AI technology.

Headquartered in the US, with offices located around the world, and serving hundreds of global partners and more than 5,000 organizations worldwide, international shipping and events had become an integral component of business operations.

Unfortunately, up until a few years ago, the company found its personnel becoming increasingly bogged down by manual processes, not to mention rising expenses. Organizational leaders knew there had to be a better way.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag Customer Success