Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Gives Back: Steve Elliott Recognized for His Contributions to Malama Hāmākua Maui

This will understandably sound a bit biased, but I’m convinced that here at OnFulfillment, we have the most talented, dedicated, and hardworking employees in the marketing and event fulfillment industry. Just ask our customers. This team makes me proud every day.

What’s even more impressive is the fact that this talent, dedication, and work ethic extends beyond the workplace. Many of our employees dedicate a good portion of their free time to improve and enhance their respective communities through various volunteer organizations.

To recognize these remarkable people, we are launching a new blog series called OnFulfillment Gives Back—our small effort to bring some positive attention to the good deeds our employees are doing to make the world a better place.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Employee Engagement

New to Trade Shows and Events? This Glossary will Help.

It’s spring, which means it’s event season. Businesses across America (and around the world, for that matter) are dusting off their exhibits, unfurling their banners, erecting their pop-up signs, and preparing to hit the road.

In honor of this occasion, and to assist the novices and newcomers, we’ve assembled the following list of trade show and event terms—common phrases and labels you’re sure to hear from the various vendors and consultants you’ve enlisted to assist your efforts. Hopefully this list will prepare you for the inevitable conversations and allow you to communicate your objectives effectively.

To help organize this content, we’ve assigned the terms to six basic categories:

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Fulfillment Event Support

To Our Loyal Customers: Thank You for 25 Years of Business

Over the past several months, as OnFulfillment approaches its Silver Anniversary, we’ve been using this blog space to look back at how our business has evolved over the past 25 years. From marketing and event fulfillment to on-demand printing, branded and promotional merchandise, warehousing, and kitting, it’s been interesting to see how far we’ve come and reflect on what we’ve accomplished.

Today, we thought it would be appropriate to end this journey by acknowledging the people who made it all possible.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Company Store Marketing Fulfillment

Moving Online: Using Technology to Advance Marketing Fulfillment Services

This year, OnFulfillment is celebrating its Silver Anniversary—25 years of helping businesses around the world achieve their marketing and event fulfillment needs.

To mark the occasion, we’ve spent the past several months looking back at how the company has evolved over the past quarter century. We started with a general overview of the past 25 years, followed by deeper dives into the various services that have made us an indispensable partner for our customers over the years: printing, branded promotional merchandise, and event management. Today, we’re taking a closer look at perhaps the most critical development in OnFulfillment’s history: the move to providing online services.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations

Trends for 2024: What Is Driving Buying Decisions Behind Branded Merchandise?

Every year, the most popular trends in fulfillment and merchandise seem to skew ever younger. Or, more accurately, the generation driving trends remains constant, while the rest of us grow older and farther away from what is currently “hip.”

This year, as one might expect, popular trends are being largely determined by social media influencers and the millennial/Gen Z lifestyle. For these consumers, products must look good enough—and be socially conscious enough—to be included as part of their story. For the companies who understand the process, these postings become free advertising to the most coveted demographic.

So what are the trends to look for in 2024? What issues are making these influencers sit up and pay attention while making them feel good about their purchases?

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Riley's Picks Corporate Gifting