Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Blog | Marketing Asset Management

Moving Online: Using Technology to Advance Marketing Fulfillment Services

This year, OnFulfillment is celebrating its Silver Anniversary—25 years of helping businesses around the world achieve their marketing and event fulfillment needs.

To mark the occasion, we’ve spent the past several months looking back at how the company has evolved over the past quarter century. We started with a general overview of the past 25 years, followed by deeper dives into the various services that have made us an indispensable partner for our customers over the years: printing, branded promotional merchandise, and event management. Today, we’re taking a closer look at perhaps the most critical development in OnFulfillment’s history: the move to providing online services.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations

It’s Time to Consolidate and Centralize Your Marketing Fulfillment Activities

Over the years, one thing I’ve been surprised to learn is just how rare it is to find a company that does what OnFulfillment does.

By that, I mean offering a full complement of marketing fulfillment services—everything from printing, pick-and-pack, and kitting and assembly to warehousing and storage, shipping, promotional merchandise, and event management, among other services.

Of course, it’s not difficult to find vendors who offer those individual services; a simple online search of any of those phrases will produce scores of companies that fit the bill. What’s unusual is to find one that offers all those services under one roof. That’s what makes OnFulfillment so unique.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Marketing Fulfillment

8 Tips to Help You Maximize Your Marketing Fulfillment Budget

It’s December. The holidays are upon us. The new year is looming. We all know what that means.

Time to start planning your 2024 budget.

Actually, if you’ve waited this long to start thinking about next year’s budget, you’re probably already behind the eight ball a bit. While there is no real “best” time to start planning next year's budget, the ideal timeframe is to start the process several months ahead—perhaps as early as six months prior.

Why so early? It allows sufficient time for thorough planning, comprehensive analysis, and critical collaboration with all relevant stakeholders across the company.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag Marketing Fulfillment

How Can Marketing Asset Management Help with Your Next Event? Let Us Count the Ways

Event managers have a tough job. They are responsible for every trade show, seminar and conference in which your company will participate. That’s a lot to handle.

It’s even more impressive when you consider that each of the events these managers oversee are composed of multiple components and moving parts. There are promotional items, signage, displays, demos, printed collateral, and much more. Add staffing to the equation, including arranging accommodations and both short- and long-distance travel to and from the events for potentially dozens of people, and it’s easy to see just how overwhelming and stressful it can all become. Simply put, event managers must be exceptionally skilled at juggling multiple tasks simultaneously in order to pull it all off successfully.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management Marketing Fulfillment Event Support

Why Print is Still Relevant in 2023

Let’s face it: in some circles, the thought of printing materials for a marketing campaign in 2023 is considered quaint, if not downright old fashioned. Digital marketers can’t possibly conceive of the value of print; as far as they’re concerned, why spend the time and money to manufacture something when they can create web-based, e-mail, and mobile campaigns quickly, easily and cost effectively?

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Marketing Asset Management