Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Blog | Custom Developments & Integrations

Moving Online: Using Technology to Advance Marketing Fulfillment Services

This year, OnFulfillment is celebrating its Silver Anniversary—25 years of helping businesses around the world achieve their marketing and event fulfillment needs.

To mark the occasion, we’ve spent the past several months looking back at how the company has evolved over the past quarter century. We started with a general overview of the past 25 years, followed by deeper dives into the various services that have made us an indispensable partner for our customers over the years: printing, branded promotional merchandise, and event management. Today, we’re taking a closer look at perhaps the most critical development in OnFulfillment’s history: the move to providing online services.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations

Product Fulfillment vs. Marketing Fulfillment: Which Offers the Ideal Level of Reporting?

This is the fifth and final installment in our “product fulfillment vs. marketing fulfillment” blog series. If you’re new to this particular topic and want some background, we suggest you visit our blog page and read the previous entries, starting with the introductory “Product Fulfillment vs. Marketing Fulfillment: What Do You Need?” The other three—titled “Product Fulfillment vs. Marketing Fulfillment: Which is Best for Receiving?”, “Product Fulfillment vs. Marketing Fulfillment: Pick & Pack,” and “Product Fulfillment: Which Offers Better Support and Flexibility?” can be read in any order you like.

In this final segment, we’re taking a look at how product and marketing fulfillment differ in terms of reporting.

Topics: Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations Marketing Fulfillment

What is a Company Store, and Why Do You Need One?

What is a Company Store?

If your company is like most, it produces branded merchandise that it sells (or in some cases gives) to employees, customers and partners to wear or use.  It’s a simple and relatively cheap way to promote the brand, essentially providing free advertising for the business.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations

Is Your Marketing Portal Secure?

If your business is like most, you probably have a marketing portal—a system that allows you to store, manage, organize, share and track massive amounts of sensitive company data and content.  This could include everything from documentation and collateral to videos, photos, logos, proprietary software, and other tangible assets that internal teams as well as external partners can access, download and distribute.  Since partners are sometimes required to purchase materials, the system also processes and stores credit card information.

That’s a lot of sensitive information.  And it begs the question: just how secure is your marketing portal?

Topics: Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations Marketing Fulfillment

How OnFulfillment Uses Metadata to Streamline Workflow

Running an online business is incredibly complex.  

The technology required to create a website where people can virtually browse, shop, reserve, order, download, or purchase items is overwhelming.  If anything, we should be amazed when it works properly rather than annoyed when it doesn’t.  The fact that it is so commonplace and reliable is a testament to the tenacity and creativity of the developers who made it possible.

Even the presumably easiest tasks are fraught with difficulty and challenges.  For instance, in order to maintain some semblance of order, one of the first things an online business must do is assign users to predefined groups or roles that determine what resources they can see or access.  On the surface, this seems to be a fairly simple and straightforward process.

Topics: Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations