Just when you think you’re ready to pull the plug on direct mail, you read some success story or spy some blog post about how effective it can be.
We know that many marketers in 2013 have a Doubting Thomas tendency when it comes to print campaigns vs. digital. So here’s a bit of food for thought if you’re in that particular state of mind.
- In London-based Econsultancy’s recent B2B Internet Statistics Compendium, which is a meta-report that gathers a large amount of B2B industry data, it indicates how effective a tool direct mail is – even today. According to this report, “the proportion of respondents planning to incorporate direct mail into their lead generation plans for the coming year grew from 52% in 2011 to 60% in 2012.”
- 79% of the 1000 B2B marketers surveyed by Marketing Sherpa found direct mail to be either effective or very effective. Certain sectors, like business services organizations, note that direct mail is very effective (34%).
- A recent post on Thedrum.com reports that “Four-fifths (79%) of consumers will act on direct mail immediately, compared to only 45% who say they deal with email straightaway.” This is based on DMA research.
- In addition, this same post notes that in the DMA’s first attitudinal print tracking report, “direct mail is the preferred channel for receiving marketing from local shops (51%) and banks (48%)."
- According to an article entitled, “Direct Mail Market Trends,” published late last summer on Whattheythink.com, 2013 “spending on direct mail in the U.S. is expected to decline by 0.9 % to $44.8 billion, while all direct and digital marketing is expected to rise by 5.9% to $137.2 billion.” However, it was also noted that direct mail is still the largest single direct marketing expenditure.
- In an article on dmnews.com, direct mail response rate beats digital. The “DMA has found that direct mail boasts a 4.4% rate, compared to email's average response rate of 0.12%, says Yory Wurmser, director of marketing and media insights at the DMA. Depending on how one crunches the numbers, direct mail has a response rate of up to 10 to 30 times that of email — and even higher when compared to online display, Wurmser continues.”
- If you’re thinking of using an email marketing campaign instead of a direct mail campaign, consider this: according to a Return Path Email Deliverability Study, 22% of permission-based emails are never delivered.
Powerful stats about the power of direct mail! Used alone or as part of an integrated marketing campaign, direct mail shouldn’t be dismissed as an ineffective tool.
Want to learn more? Download our new eBook "Direct Mail Best Practices".