Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

Still Raiding the Marketing Closet for Event Material? There's a Better Way

It’s happened to all of us.

You’ve checked your onsite inventory and confirmed that there is sufficient collateral and branded merch on hand to support an upcoming event you are managing. Signage and table skirts are also available. It feels good to be proactive and know you won’t be scrambling at the last minute.

approval queue blog - blog picThen the shipping date arrives. As you begin to assemble your material, you find that the marketing closet has been raided. Merch is missing. Collateral has been poached. The signage has been commandeered. You’re back to Square One.

Adding insult to injury, the guilty party is someone who (unlike you) has failed to plan ahead and must pay expedited shipping fees to ensure the material arrives on time, costing your department money.

It’s a frustrating—and all too common—occurrence. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

OnFulfillment’s approval queue allows you to carefully manage inventory and control who has access to what material, ensuring that everyone can get what they need, when they need it.

Through the online portal, your team can order the items they’ll need for a specific event and schedule delivery, eliminating the need to deplete local inventories. You control which items individuals can see, so they aren’t tempted to order material they don’t need. And by setting order quantity limits, you can carefully manage inventory so you won’t have to order products as frequently.

OnFulfillment also ensures that reusable items like table skirts and corporate signage are returned, cleaned, and restocked. Your team merely has to request the items for a specific date.

The ability to manage inventory activity and delivery will save you considerable money on freight and product procurement fees. On the rare occasion that items aren’t readily available and need to be ordered, you can approve expedited shipping for those products only to lessen the impact on your budget.

OnFulfillment can help you break the “raid the marketing closet” habit for event management and save you money in the process. Contact us for a demo to learn more.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag Company Store