Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Looking Back at OnFulfillment’s Printing Services History

April 2024 marks OnFulfillment’s Silver Anniversary—25 years of meeting the marketing and event fulfillment needs of customers around the world.

To celebrate the occasion, we’re taking the opportunity to look back and see how the company has evolved, focusing on the various services offered.  We started with an overview of the past 25 years (provide link); today, we drill down on the first of OnFulfillment’s specialties—printing—and provide a history of where we started, how far we’ve come, and where we go from here.

Topics: Print On Demand Print Marketing Commercial Print

25 Years of Marketing Fulfillment: A Look Back as OnFulfillment Celebrates its Silver Anniversary

This year—April to be exact—OnFulfillment will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. That’s a quarter century of helping companies around the world meet their marketing fulfillment, event management, printing, promotional swag, shipping, storage, and training needs, among others.

Of course, it didn’t start that way. Our origins were actually quite modest. But we’ve grown over the years, constantly honing our skills and enhancing our capabilities to offer the latest, most advanced marketing fulfillment services available.

It’s been quite a journey, and over the next several months, we’ll be using this blog space to explore where we started, how far we’ve come, and where we’re heading with respect to a number of disciplines, including printing, shipping, promotional products, event fulfillment, warehousing, pick-and-pack, and kitting.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Company Store Marketing Fulfillment

It’s Time to Consolidate and Centralize Your Marketing Fulfillment Activities

Over the years, one thing I’ve been surprised to learn is just how rare it is to find a company that does what OnFulfillment does.

By that, I mean offering a full complement of marketing fulfillment services—everything from printing, pick-and-pack, and kitting and assembly to warehousing and storage, shipping, promotional merchandise, and event management, among other services.

Of course, it’s not difficult to find vendors who offer those individual services; a simple online search of any of those phrases will produce scores of companies that fit the bill. What’s unusual is to find one that offers all those services under one roof. That’s what makes OnFulfillment so unique.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Marketing Fulfillment

8 Tips to Help You Maximize Your Marketing Fulfillment Budget

It’s December. The holidays are upon us. The new year is looming. We all know what that means.

Time to start planning your 2024 budget.

Actually, if you’ve waited this long to start thinking about next year’s budget, you’re probably already behind the eight ball a bit. While there is no real “best” time to start planning next year's budget, the ideal timeframe is to start the process several months ahead—perhaps as early as six months prior.

Why so early? It allows sufficient time for thorough planning, comprehensive analysis, and critical collaboration with all relevant stakeholders across the company.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag Marketing Fulfillment

Focus on Channel Partnerships to Increase Your Market Presence

Your channel partners are critical to your ongoing success.  

Not only do they extend your market presence by providing additional “feet on the street” that supplement your direct sales force, they also offer regional expertise in locations where cultural, regulatory, or business differences require someone who “speaks” the local language.  Channel partners help you access new markets, lower costs, and improve your overall reach and service delivery capabilities.

So…are you getting the most out of your channel partners?  Or better yet, are they getting the most out of their relationship with you? Are you equipping them to adequately represent you in the field?  Is your organization working closely with your channel partners to keep them trained, informed, and up to date?

Topics: Global Fulfillment Company Store Marketing Fulfillment